How to reach Us:

From North:
Come on to the Motorway A12 going ahead till the exit sign for Rosignano Marittimo, then enter the Freeway towards Grosseto and run straight till the exit sign for Cecina Nord; here follow the sign-post indicating the road to Volterra (S.S.68) and go straight on for about 30 Km till Ponteginori; enter the town and, at the first fork, go on to the road on the right. Then follow the sign-post indicating the road to Castello di Querceto: after 3 Km you will see the farmstay on the right side of the road.

From South:
Come on to the Aurelia Road towards Livorno going ahead till the exit sign for Cecina Centro; here follow the sign-posts indicating the road to Volterra (S.S.68) and go straight on for about 30 Km till Ponteginori; enter the town and, at the first fork, go on to the road on the right. Then follow the sign-post indicating the road to Castello di Querceto: after 3 Km you will see the farmstay on the right side of the road.

From Florence:
Come on to the Freeway (s.g.c. FI PI LI) towards Pisa and go straight on till the exit sign for Pontedera; here follow the sign-posts indicating the road to Volterra and go ahead for about 40 Km till Saline di Volterra; go straight through the town following the sign-post indicatin the road to Cecina. Once arrived in Ponteginori, enter the town and, at the first fork, go on to the road on the left; then follow the sign-post indicating the road to Castello di Querceto: after 3 Km you will see the farmstay on the right side of the road.

From Colle Val d'Elsa:
Exit for Colle Val d''Elsa Nord, then follow the sign-posts indicating the road to Volterra; after 30Km, when arrived in Volterra, go straight through the town following the sign-posts indicating the road to Saline di Volterra. Once arrived in Saline di Volterra, go Straight through the town following the sign-post indicating the road to Cecina. When arrived in Ponteginori, enter the town and, at the first fork, go on to the road on the left; the follow the sign-post indicating the road to Castelo di Querceto: after 3 Km you will see the farmstay on the right side of the road.
